Saturday, August 22, 2009

How you present yourself determine how people will treat you.

Men and women see who you are before they hear what you have to say. Your personal power begins with a powerful image.
Your personal image goes long way to determines how you are perceived. How you are perceived determines how you are received. Naturally Opportunities comes towards you because of your appearance.
You are going to receive better and well treatment from every person if you are well dressed
Learn to be yourself, accept and work with your body type. diet or surgery cannot change the length of your legs, the placement of your waist, the size of your head etc. Real beauty begins in your mind.
Well dress and looking cute goes a long way to tell about your personality. Purpose and direction in life.
A wonderful image is a product of posture, carriage, body language and classy dressing. When colleagues, friends and family say you look good, learn to accept their compliments graciously.
do you want to be a woman of influence, learn to dress like your heroines in politics, business, religion and arts etc frankly whom you admire.
The clothes you wear advertise your character. The bible in proverbs 31 talks about the attire of a virtuous woman. In proverb 6, it talks about the attire of a prostitute. You cannot be mistaken for a prostitute if you dress like a princess.
Make it a habit , you have only one opportunity to make a good first impression.
Your dress create a positive climate of acceptance around you. You can package yourself for either success or failure.
In your working place, avoid: Low necklines, clinging cloths, see through garments, glitter and tight fits.
Wear clothes you feel good and confident in, it heightens your sense of self confidence and power, wherever you go.
Clothes make the man and woman if you want to be successful, your wardrobe is always a good investment.
To look good, you don’t have to be expensive but remember that quality pays.
Remember be yourself. Don’t go with the crowd. Stand out. Wear what allows your personal charm charisma and beauty to show through.
Learn to keep your hair beautiful at all times. An un-kept hair shows that you are a disorganized person. Don’t go with the hairstyle in vogue unless it suits your face and personality. Before you change your look, get some professional advice. Low cut hair makes some women look masculine. Always enhance your femininity.
Learn to keep a regular appointment with your beautician for facial, pedicure and manicure. Your nails are details keep them neat.
Love and treat your body with respect, keep it clean and healthy, exercise regularly, eat good foods that produce, promote and sustain you in health and vitality. Invest in toiletries perfumes and fragrances that create a compelling presence everywhere you go

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