Monday, August 31, 2009


Every human being on this planet earth is blessed by God with certain gift and abilities. Your success and fulfillment in life depend to a great extent on how you discover and maximize these gift . You must develop and build your life around what you gifted by God to do. Train and educate your yourself in line with these gift. Receive a clear vision, dream or plan for your life from God; work it out and pursue it until it becomes a reality. The bible says, where there is no vision the people perish, l believe every man or woman has a purpose for which he is created, from today I want you to ask yourself this questions what is the purpose for which God almighty created me.
Money is a reward for utilizing your God given ability to solve problems for people. The eternal path to wealth is to find need and fill it.
Work out your life because nobody is going to work it out for you, your time, goals. If you are presently in school, part of your immediate goals should be academic excellence.
Organize your life around your goals or vision. work on them daily to realize them. If you don’t pursue your dream, no one else will.
Make it habit to Secure definite victories in your studies, business and job that you are proud of, that make you feel good and always reward yourself .create a successful personality within yourself.
Your positive attitude coupled with your aptitude will ultimately determine your altitude in life, career and business. Become an eternal optimist. Believe the best of every circumstances.
Time passes but it is your greatest asset; don’t waste it, cheapen it, trade or exchange it for something less than its real value to you. Remember waste of time in unproductive, energy draining activities, relationship and conversation is really a waste of your life. Things that are important should never be at the mercy of things that are unimportant, but you seem so terribly urgent. Set your priorities. get organized with the aid of diaries, palm tops, organizers-etc. plan your work and work your plan.
If you are waiting for marriage to make your life complete, you will be disappointed. You bring your completeness into a relationship and it blossoms. Your relationship stands a better chance of succeeding if you have a lot to offer, to contribute. Every man wants an asset for a wife; become one.
Three skills you must develop in life regardless of your profession are; the ability to sell, negotiate and communicate yours ideas clearly.
Don’t just read to pass exams; develop your mind by reading books that build your up your psyche; listen to tapes, attend seminars that will contribute to your mental and emotional development. Invest in yourself by embarking on a self improvement training program.
Do what you love, follow your passion study the course that excite you if you want to excel. Be the best in work and be dedicated to it, be an asset to your business, your company, your employees your colleagues , and your boss. The shortest cut to success is smart work. Become so valuable that your work will become a point of reference for others in your organization.
Look for a woman who has achieved extra ordinary results in her business or career ask her to mentor you.
Always Take full responsibility for your success in life. Cultivate a spirit of excellence. Be exceptional. Put 110% into everything you do strive to make a difference. Work harder on self than you do on the job. Live to learn not just earn. Your skills will not only make you continually relevant in your industry but will also guarantee you multiple streams of income. If this tips have help you can learn lot more by visiting

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