Thursday, September 17, 2009

Touch communicates interest and love but different kinds of touch elicit different kinds of emotional response from you. You must know your limit and stay within them. Kissing, touching and petting are always dangerous grounds to tread on. don’t start something that is guaranteed to end in disaster.
Don’t think that having sex with him will make him to love you the more or satisfying his sexual cravings or getting pregnant for him. Trying to manipulate , control and seduce him through sex will always prove very counter productive.2 Samuel 13, amnon, the son of David had illicit sex with woman. Immediately after the act, the bible recorded that he hated her with a passion. The sex did not bring them any closer, rather, it drove them apart.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

He may think that you really belong to him, seriously anything can happen from that moment on. Men that rape their date look very normal until it happens. NOTE don’t give anybody that opportunity. remember to keep yourself respect very important. Carry your self with every dignity. Guild yourself with integrity. If you sleep over, the next thing that will be occurring in mind will be sex and that girl friend is the beginning of the road to destruction for that relationship.
Having sex with is not trying to prove your love to him, your value is not in sex you offer him, but your soul which you give to him, if he is trying or insisting on having sex with you, then maybe he is not the one for you, you must give definition to your boundaries’ at the beginning of your relationship before things get out of hand learn to say NO and stick to it.(period)
Men are very physical. A man sees you in gorgeous dress and immediately starts thinking sex. Never expose your nakedness to him for any reason. Let him take you to the alter first.
Never try to play sexual games with him, you not object of sex. don’t give him the impression that you are.
Often some men sees you in attractive dress, and he is already arouse, but for you to be aroused most times it involves words and touch. When a man you really likes starts touching your soul with his words, a sexual chemistry may be created which may lead to sexual arousal. Engaging in long conversation with a man you don’t want to have serious relationship with is dangerous because before you know it, both of you may begin to relate on an intimate and deep emotional level you never intended.

Monday, September 14, 2009

problems. You must keep it in mind that you just met him, he also has problems of his own and he is not responsible for any yours. don’t tell him about all the bad relationships you have been involved in, how you were used and dump by men he is not counselor, don’t scare him away with all your crazy stories you have in your family. Let him discover your assets before he discover you liabilities.
Don’t always table and discuss him with your girl friends if you want your relationship to grow and lead into marriage. Learn to be discrete.
Don’t spend money on him or give him huge loans in attempt to win him over. What you will create is a man who is committed to you because of your money. Love cannot bought with money. Give his love time and room to grow. don’t trap him with premarital sex. It is guaranteed to backfire on you. The way you got his love, is the way you will maintain it. Men love to feel in charge. If you don’t make him feel that way, another woman gladly will and he will most probably end up with her. Sex is gift from God for married couples , you have to know that it really comes with a lot of responsibility, make your stand about it and let it be known, you are ready to get married and you wont fool around with sex. Men tend to be very evasive about sex until they have made attempt on you. Let him know that you are not going to have sex with him until after marriage.
Don’t stay over his place any reason, if you don’t have a ride, ask him to drive you home. Or call a taxi for you. If you stay over.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How you present yourself determine how people will treat you.

You are a virtuous woman with self respect, dignity and integrity. Prove to him that you are not in the relationship for what you can get or his money, but for what you can contribute to his life. Even if he is millionaire, he wants to be sure that you are going to make his life as a married man very happy and successful.
Don’t put yourself in an awkward financial situation that always requires him bailing you out. For your relationship to succeed, you must strive to be financially independent if you presently are not.
Avoid handling his financial matter until you get to know each other better. Let him organize his own finances himself. When he ask you for advice, gladly give it to him.
Looking at his picture album and quizzing him over every beautiful woman you see him with could lead to a big problem. He may think that you are very insecure, jealous and embarrass him in front of his long time friends in his life. Act very secure even when you feel threatened.
Don’t act paranoid. Not every woman you see with him wants to have a relationship with him. You must realize that before you came into the picture, he had some friends in his life.
Don’t act desperate. You want to attend every function with him. Take all his calls and try to control his itinerary. He may get fed up with you very soon. Give him his space.
Don’t turn him into an emotional dumping ground for all your

Monday, September 7, 2009

Mind yourself, until you prove his integrity. don’t tell him everything about yourself until he proves his commitment to you
When you go out on a date, let him give try to impress you; give him room to talk. He wants to win you over, if you like him. give him the opportunity to do so.
Please two of you should not have the same joint accounts . Maintain your account. Keep your own money until you get to know him, even, then, be very discreet in your financial affairs, you are not yet married.
Don’t ask him of money, if the need be that you needed the money, Look for alternatives to solve your financial challenges. don’t turn him into your bank account making withdrawals anytime you feel like it may compromise your integrity and make it very difficult for you to stand by your purity principles. When a man begin to solve all your financial problems, one day he may begin to make sexual overtures and that is the end of that relationship if you don’t want to compromise your faith.
When you get to his house, remember his house is not your restaurant. No matter how generous he is, he is not your chief. When you go out for a meal, don’t order the most expensive item on the menu unless he insist on you trying it out. The bible says in proverbs23 that when you are dining watch what you eat because the meal itself sometime may be a test may be detrimental to your relationship and bring it to an untimely end.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Grounded rules for dating.

Before you commit yourself into any kind of marital commitment, get to know this man well. Get to be friends first then develop relationship.
Maybe both of you met, both of you responded on an emotional level, you were attracted to each other like magnets, in spite of your difference. Dating gives you the opportunity to deliberately asses his merits, if he is good enough for you.
Get to interact and fellowship on a spiritual, mental. Psychological and emotional level. Intimacy on these levels must be worked at if you want your relationship to succeed.
Let it be occurring to you, that you have your own life to live. don’t plan your whole life around this man until you he has shown you total commitment. You should therefore plan your outings.
Avoid unscheduled outings that clash with your own plans. Let him call you ahead of time to inform you of his intentions. at the beginning of your relationship it may seem like fun because you are just getting to know each other, but later on it will because he does whatever he likes and you gave him that power.
You don’t really know this guy, Avoid late night outings. when you are just starting out. and the reason why are dating is to get to him better. don’t create problems for yourself.
You must study him, to know who he is, test him to know if he keeps his word and if he really he is committed to you. You must however not major on his weakness but on his strengths. Can you spend the rest of your life with him, the way he is in spite of his weakness?

Thursday, September 3, 2009


In a relationship there is this difference between your casual male friend and the guy, whom you may consider getting serious relationship with. Now is a good time to know who is what to you. don’t enter into serious, marriage bound relationship because,[ a ]you thought or felt like having one[ b] or may be, you are very lonely and needed someone to keep you company. [c] because all your friends have serious relationships, so you thought you needed your own relationship too [d] may be you want to show your friends that you can get a guy to be crazy over you. [e] your friends force you into it by setting you up with guy. [f] the guy is very rich and has promised to take care of you. [g] the guy says he really loves you and showers you with all kinds of gift. don’t be quick to accept gifts, they may be the burial ground of all your relationships,[ h] people question your sexuality and you want to prove that you are a beautiful, healthy, heterosexual sister. Your girlfriends may begin suspecting that you are a lesbian, or God forbid, even celibate. [l] may be you love children and you want to start having them as soon as possible. [j] you want financial security and Avery rich guy , a good house to live, and lots of spending money and even take good vacation when ever you like. [k] you want to bear the title of Mrs. So and so; you know, get some respect. [l] an authority figure in your life; your pastor. Bishop, parent, lecture, boss etc, pressurize you to get into it .[m] you have very strong libido or sex drive and marriage is the only scripturally acceptable avenue to fulfill that need in your life [n] you want to settle down. [o] you are a single parent and you need a strong and supportive father figure for your child. [p] your biological clock is ticking you are getting old, and it maybe too late for you to have babies.[ q] you want to escape living with your parents. [r] you want to re- live a romantic fantasy you read in a novel. [s] you have all this money and you want somebody to enjoy it with.
Then, if all these are the reasons that you want a relationship, then you are very wrong. What are the right reasons for starting good relationship? You should enter a relationship when you are spiritually, emotionally, psychologically and financially prepared and mature to get married. if you are not prepared, a million other reasons will only terminate frustration, hurt, bitterness, and broken engagements. If you are not prepared, you will attract unserious people, who will become a major hindrance to the serious minded guy who is mature and prepared, you cannot cheat nature; if you are looking for someone you can use to solve any of the above problems and a thousand others, you will attract a guy who is looking for someone to use too. Until you change you will keep on attracting the people who will cause you pain. Do YOU NEED SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP.
Do you need serious relationship, Pray ask the lord to look the qualities that will bring out the best in your relationship.
Take a note and Write a detailed list of the qualities you want to see in this man you intend to spend the rest of your life with. after writing this list, pray over it daily until you see it answered.
A man who is already married is not who you are looking for. No matter how attracted you are to a married man, no matter how caring he is, it will never work. He is unavailable; look somewhere else for a single and unavailable. However if you persist in going after married men, you will definitely end up with a broken heart and a bad reputation.
Go out to places . occasion where the kind of man you desire could probably be. Become active in a department you like in church.
Don’t dress to kill unless you want to attract a user or abuser into your life. Look good not cheap. A guy is first attracted to you by what you wear; look best.
Make it habit to be friendlier with people, it could open the opportunity for a relationship.
When you locate the man you have believed for. let him be aware of you. DON’T be forward, pushy, aggressive or flirtatious. Do you have chemistry; or are you forcing it.
Love never occurs at first sight. If you think you fell in love with him the moment you saw him, it is probably infatuation. Be careful not to build your future on a strong emotional rush that is temporal, untested by time or principles. Let your feelings be tested by time. The question you ask yourself is when l get to know him, will I still want him?
If he likes you, he will give you attention and spend time talking with you, he will be very interested in knowing you, leave him to the chase. You must learn to distinguish between a man who is just having a polite, social conversation with you and one who likes you.
Men are first attracted to you physically, but it must not end there. for you to have a healthy relationship, you must connect on the emotional and spiritual levels of intimacy. If all he likes about is your looks and your body, it is dangerous ground to build a relationship on. He may like what he sees, but that doesn’t mean he is ready to commit to you, and a healthy relationship is all about commitment if all you have to offer a guy is your beauty and your body that relationship is bound to fail.
Why does a man marry a woman confined to a wheel chair? He must see and desire something more her body [proverbs 31;30] a great relationship is not sustained by sex. A man must get something from you that he can’t get elsewhere; that is character. Work on yourself spiritually, mentally and emotionally If you desire to have a great relationship. if you find those tips helpful you can learn a lot more by visiting

Monday, August 31, 2009


Every human being on this planet earth is blessed by God with certain gift and abilities. Your success and fulfillment in life depend to a great extent on how you discover and maximize these gift . You must develop and build your life around what you gifted by God to do. Train and educate your yourself in line with these gift. Receive a clear vision, dream or plan for your life from God; work it out and pursue it until it becomes a reality. The bible says, where there is no vision the people perish, l believe every man or woman has a purpose for which he is created, from today I want you to ask yourself this questions what is the purpose for which God almighty created me.
Money is a reward for utilizing your God given ability to solve problems for people. The eternal path to wealth is to find need and fill it.
Work out your life because nobody is going to work it out for you, your time, goals. If you are presently in school, part of your immediate goals should be academic excellence.
Organize your life around your goals or vision. work on them daily to realize them. If you don’t pursue your dream, no one else will.
Make it habit to Secure definite victories in your studies, business and job that you are proud of, that make you feel good and always reward yourself .create a successful personality within yourself.
Your positive attitude coupled with your aptitude will ultimately determine your altitude in life, career and business. Become an eternal optimist. Believe the best of every circumstances.
Time passes but it is your greatest asset; don’t waste it, cheapen it, trade or exchange it for something less than its real value to you. Remember waste of time in unproductive, energy draining activities, relationship and conversation is really a waste of your life. Things that are important should never be at the mercy of things that are unimportant, but you seem so terribly urgent. Set your priorities. get organized with the aid of diaries, palm tops, organizers-etc. plan your work and work your plan.
If you are waiting for marriage to make your life complete, you will be disappointed. You bring your completeness into a relationship and it blossoms. Your relationship stands a better chance of succeeding if you have a lot to offer, to contribute. Every man wants an asset for a wife; become one.
Three skills you must develop in life regardless of your profession are; the ability to sell, negotiate and communicate yours ideas clearly.
Don’t just read to pass exams; develop your mind by reading books that build your up your psyche; listen to tapes, attend seminars that will contribute to your mental and emotional development. Invest in yourself by embarking on a self improvement training program.
Do what you love, follow your passion study the course that excite you if you want to excel. Be the best in work and be dedicated to it, be an asset to your business, your company, your employees your colleagues , and your boss. The shortest cut to success is smart work. Become so valuable that your work will become a point of reference for others in your organization.
Look for a woman who has achieved extra ordinary results in her business or career ask her to mentor you.
Always Take full responsibility for your success in life. Cultivate a spirit of excellence. Be exceptional. Put 110% into everything you do strive to make a difference. Work harder on self than you do on the job. Live to learn not just earn. Your skills will not only make you continually relevant in your industry but will also guarantee you multiple streams of income. If this tips have help you can learn lot more by visiting

Saturday, August 29, 2009


A relationship with the opposite sex is a serious step; it should never be taken for granted.
Before you agree to commit yourself to seeing anyone, you must be secure in yourself. To be single means to be whole, secure and stable;to be fulfilled, you must be at peace with yourself, love you for who you are. You need clarify your values. Develop your personal philosophy of life.
One of the benefit of being single is that you can serve god without distraction. The true test of of your spiritual is how much inner and outer peace you exude. spend time in God’s presence in prayer. without prayer life, every other attempt at knowing God will be frustrating. It is in the place of prayer that you develop an intimacy with God’s spirit. Develop a prayer routine that you can follow easily. The quality of your spiritual life will determine the general tone your life. Spend time in silence and meditation.
God will reveal your values and worth to you as you stay in fellowship with his spirit. Your devoution to God should never be because of what you want to get from him. some ladies are active in church until they get married, then the church become secondary. Integrity demands that you should be true to yourself; are you serving God because you are looking for a husband or you really love him for who he is God knows the difference. Be yourself.
Love yourself. Get acquainted with the real you; your abilities, your likes and dislike, your passion and your dream. Learn to be happy now because your happiness can only be found in you.
Develop your intuition. Your ability hear accurately from God in the place of prayer will determine if you are between the ages of 18 and 30, you will soon make you three major choices in your career, your marriage partner and your life’s principles, values and philosophy. Now is the time to pray about it.
Develop attitude of gratitude. Learn to be thankful for the good things of life.
There are there are three levels of relationship you need to cultivate in order to live balanced life. a, someone to look up to that’s is your mentor or role model; b, someone that look up to you, that is your protégé. c, someone who is your contemporary.
Learn to have mentors in business, career, marriage, etc. people you respect, who have the to listen to and counsel you.
To have quality people into your life, you must learn to develop an agreeable and pleasing personality. To be fun to be with. Be easy to get along with.
A contentious and argumentative disposition will definitely repel people from you faster than any other weakness you may possess.
Make it a habit to contribute POSITIVELY to the lives of all your friends both male and female and people you come across on your way in daily life.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Almighty God made us to be for connection. For you to be hale and healthy human being. You require healthy relationships in your life.
People may bring out the best or worse in you.
Don’t Chose friends because of friend sake be very careful in chosen your friends, what will determine the kind of person you will be in five, ten years from now, is the kind of friends you keep.
It has always been said, that Life is a matter of your choice. don’t let anybody force an unwanted friendship on you.
Been close is no license for access. Access is the greatest gift you can give to anybody. Take note of whom you give to, because some one stays close to you, grew up in the same neighborhood with you, attended the same schools with you doesn’t give them the right to have access to you . If they are not the kind of people you want in your in world.
Remember Like attracts like. People see who you are with the kind of friends your keep.
Move along with people who are going in the same direction with you, people you share common interest and values with you .
Always be in a place where you are celebrated , not tolerated.
Learn act of initiating friendships with people you like or want to know. Learn to Show genuine interest in people.
Your circle of friends determine to a large extent what you become in life so, search for quality people who can be positive influences on you.
Look for people who are successful in their chosen fields of endeavour and do all it takes get them into your circle influence .
Always bear it in your mind Every friendships must have a purpose. Every relationship must have a focus. Avoid purposeless association.
There are there are three levels of relationship you need to cultivate in order to live balanced life. a, someone to look up to that’s is your mentor or role model; b, someone that look up to you, that is your protégé. c, someone who is your contemporary.
Learn to have mentors in business, career, marriage, etc. people you respect, who have the to listen to and counsel you.
To have quality people into your life, you must learn to develop an agreeable and pleasing personality. To be fun to be with. Be easy to get along with.
A contentious and argumentative disposition will definitely repel people from you faster than any other weakness you may possess.
Make it a habit to contribute POSITIVELY to the lives of all your friends both male and female and people you come across on your way in daily life.
You can begin to attract people into your life by improving your people skills, learn to smile when you meet or greet people, it tells them you are glad to see them, apologize when you are wrong; learn to use the universal neutralizer of negative emotions I AM SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME; if you are a very critical person, learn to see the positive in people and situation, if you want to criticize, correct or rebuke anybody, do it privately, never in public, make people feel good when they are around you.
Be a solution provider. Problem solver, a peace maker, Above all be a woman of integrity. Being association with truth will draw more quality people into your life than any other positive trait you may possess
Treat each person with consideration, care and courtesy.

Monday, August 24, 2009

watch what you say.

Avoid these image breaker recklessly chewing gum, too much make up, loquacity and noisy heels.
Your image is one of your greatest assets, invest in it. Watch what you say.
ay Words that you speck have the power of life and death. Proverbs 18;20
Be careful of what you say, what you say, is who you are.
Your words goes long way to reflect your values and beliefs.
Learn to Keep secrets confidential. If the people who spoke with you in confidence wanted the whole world to know about it, they would have let the whole world know, through many ways. like the internet.
Don’t look at yourself as better than anybody else, so don’t speak condescendingly to people, it is a door opener in career and relationships.
When you see yourself being tempted to be rude, resist it.
Listen to both parties before you speck. Only a fool specks without facts.
Be very good in Listening, as much as you speak. Self confidence is talking less and listening more.
If you don’t know what to say, say nothing.
Be sure of what you are saying is the truth so you never have to live in fear being discovered.
Think twice, speak once.
If you see yourself exaggerating, make sure you correct yourself immediately and say the right thing. The more you lie, the more you create new lies to cover up the previous ones concocted. You will forever be looking behind your back to see what is catching up with you among your lies truth liberates you . The path of integrity is always the best choice.
To be a every good conversationalist, practice active listening, ask questions don’t interrupt others and maintain eye contact.
Tape record your voice, say your name, what you do and where you do where you live, listen to it like a stranger and correct your flaws.
The fastest way to make an enemy is to win an argument and make the other person look stupid or inferior especially in public. Express your opinion and let others express theirs.
Learn to pay compliments to people especially when they look good, dress, speck or perform better than you .
Do not try to impress people with your accomplishment let them discover it themselves.
Name dropping is inappropriate. don’t use the names of successful or famous people in conversation to boost your low self esteem.
Speak of the good in all your relationships, both past and present.
Learn to be assertive, tactful and sensitive.
Say the best about people you are not really close to but have heard or read about. Some of their friends may be present listening to you, you may never know walls have ear.
Learn when talking with people, avoid talking about your hurts and those who caused them. People don’t like associating with bitter people.
Don’t advertise your past failures short comings or weakness nobody will listen you. Always engage in edifying conversation.
Work on your communication skills. There is no worse put off than a good man or woman with terrible command of English language. Improve yourself. Remember that your facial expression and body language form about sixty percent of your communication, so let your words and non verbal cues harmonize. Your ability to express your clearly will draw people to you and open doors of opportunity in relationships and in business.
Did you find those tips helpful you can learn a lot more at www. Attractive-ladies

Saturday, August 22, 2009

How you present yourself determine how people will treat you.

Men and women see who you are before they hear what you have to say. Your personal power begins with a powerful image.
Your personal image goes long way to determines how you are perceived. How you are perceived determines how you are received. Naturally Opportunities comes towards you because of your appearance.
You are going to receive better and well treatment from every person if you are well dressed
Learn to be yourself, accept and work with your body type. diet or surgery cannot change the length of your legs, the placement of your waist, the size of your head etc. Real beauty begins in your mind.
Well dress and looking cute goes a long way to tell about your personality. Purpose and direction in life.
A wonderful image is a product of posture, carriage, body language and classy dressing. When colleagues, friends and family say you look good, learn to accept their compliments graciously.
do you want to be a woman of influence, learn to dress like your heroines in politics, business, religion and arts etc frankly whom you admire.
The clothes you wear advertise your character. The bible in proverbs 31 talks about the attire of a virtuous woman. In proverb 6, it talks about the attire of a prostitute. You cannot be mistaken for a prostitute if you dress like a princess.
Make it a habit , you have only one opportunity to make a good first impression.
Your dress create a positive climate of acceptance around you. You can package yourself for either success or failure.
In your working place, avoid: Low necklines, clinging cloths, see through garments, glitter and tight fits.
Wear clothes you feel good and confident in, it heightens your sense of self confidence and power, wherever you go.
Clothes make the man and woman if you want to be successful, your wardrobe is always a good investment.
To look good, you don’t have to be expensive but remember that quality pays.
Remember be yourself. Don’t go with the crowd. Stand out. Wear what allows your personal charm charisma and beauty to show through.
Learn to keep your hair beautiful at all times. An un-kept hair shows that you are a disorganized person. Don’t go with the hairstyle in vogue unless it suits your face and personality. Before you change your look, get some professional advice. Low cut hair makes some women look masculine. Always enhance your femininity.
Learn to keep a regular appointment with your beautician for facial, pedicure and manicure. Your nails are details keep them neat.
Love and treat your body with respect, keep it clean and healthy, exercise regularly, eat good foods that produce, promote and sustain you in health and vitality. Invest in toiletries perfumes and fragrances that create a compelling presence everywhere you go