Thursday, September 3, 2009


In a relationship there is this difference between your casual male friend and the guy, whom you may consider getting serious relationship with. Now is a good time to know who is what to you. don’t enter into serious, marriage bound relationship because,[ a ]you thought or felt like having one[ b] or may be, you are very lonely and needed someone to keep you company. [c] because all your friends have serious relationships, so you thought you needed your own relationship too [d] may be you want to show your friends that you can get a guy to be crazy over you. [e] your friends force you into it by setting you up with guy. [f] the guy is very rich and has promised to take care of you. [g] the guy says he really loves you and showers you with all kinds of gift. don’t be quick to accept gifts, they may be the burial ground of all your relationships,[ h] people question your sexuality and you want to prove that you are a beautiful, healthy, heterosexual sister. Your girlfriends may begin suspecting that you are a lesbian, or God forbid, even celibate. [l] may be you love children and you want to start having them as soon as possible. [j] you want financial security and Avery rich guy , a good house to live, and lots of spending money and even take good vacation when ever you like. [k] you want to bear the title of Mrs. So and so; you know, get some respect. [l] an authority figure in your life; your pastor. Bishop, parent, lecture, boss etc, pressurize you to get into it .[m] you have very strong libido or sex drive and marriage is the only scripturally acceptable avenue to fulfill that need in your life [n] you want to settle down. [o] you are a single parent and you need a strong and supportive father figure for your child. [p] your biological clock is ticking you are getting old, and it maybe too late for you to have babies.[ q] you want to escape living with your parents. [r] you want to re- live a romantic fantasy you read in a novel. [s] you have all this money and you want somebody to enjoy it with.
Then, if all these are the reasons that you want a relationship, then you are very wrong. What are the right reasons for starting good relationship? You should enter a relationship when you are spiritually, emotionally, psychologically and financially prepared and mature to get married. if you are not prepared, a million other reasons will only terminate frustration, hurt, bitterness, and broken engagements. If you are not prepared, you will attract unserious people, who will become a major hindrance to the serious minded guy who is mature and prepared, you cannot cheat nature; if you are looking for someone you can use to solve any of the above problems and a thousand others, you will attract a guy who is looking for someone to use too. Until you change you will keep on attracting the people who will cause you pain. Do YOU NEED SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP.
Do you need serious relationship, Pray ask the lord to look the qualities that will bring out the best in your relationship.
Take a note and Write a detailed list of the qualities you want to see in this man you intend to spend the rest of your life with. after writing this list, pray over it daily until you see it answered.
A man who is already married is not who you are looking for. No matter how attracted you are to a married man, no matter how caring he is, it will never work. He is unavailable; look somewhere else for a single and unavailable. However if you persist in going after married men, you will definitely end up with a broken heart and a bad reputation.
Go out to places . occasion where the kind of man you desire could probably be. Become active in a department you like in church.
Don’t dress to kill unless you want to attract a user or abuser into your life. Look good not cheap. A guy is first attracted to you by what you wear; look best.
Make it habit to be friendlier with people, it could open the opportunity for a relationship.
When you locate the man you have believed for. let him be aware of you. DON’T be forward, pushy, aggressive or flirtatious. Do you have chemistry; or are you forcing it.
Love never occurs at first sight. If you think you fell in love with him the moment you saw him, it is probably infatuation. Be careful not to build your future on a strong emotional rush that is temporal, untested by time or principles. Let your feelings be tested by time. The question you ask yourself is when l get to know him, will I still want him?
If he likes you, he will give you attention and spend time talking with you, he will be very interested in knowing you, leave him to the chase. You must learn to distinguish between a man who is just having a polite, social conversation with you and one who likes you.
Men are first attracted to you physically, but it must not end there. for you to have a healthy relationship, you must connect on the emotional and spiritual levels of intimacy. If all he likes about is your looks and your body, it is dangerous ground to build a relationship on. He may like what he sees, but that doesn’t mean he is ready to commit to you, and a healthy relationship is all about commitment if all you have to offer a guy is your beauty and your body that relationship is bound to fail.
Why does a man marry a woman confined to a wheel chair? He must see and desire something more her body [proverbs 31;30] a great relationship is not sustained by sex. A man must get something from you that he can’t get elsewhere; that is character. Work on yourself spiritually, mentally and emotionally If you desire to have a great relationship. if you find those tips helpful you can learn a lot more by visiting

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